
Showing posts with the label nutraceuticals

Animal Nutrition Market - Forecast(2020 - 2025)

  Animal Nutrition Market Overview: As per the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the global population will reach the 9 billion mark by 2050, constructing food challenges. Owing to the depletion of arable land as a result of industrialization, food security is a major objective and livestock products are among the prime means to meet such objectives. Economic development has induced pressure on the livestock sector for more efficient production with limited resources; it also supports the income and food security of almost 1.3 billion people. Thus, animal farming sector is capitalizing upon food security concerns, accounting for nearly 40% of the global agricultural production value. [1]   Animal nutrition is a necessity with increasing uptake, for the mandatory affluence of global livestock sector and primarily for the rampant production of protein-enriched commodities such as meat, eggs, and milk to feed the majority of the non-vegetarian population gl...