Insect Protein Market - Forecast(2020 - 2025)
Worldwide, more than 5 million species of insects are available, and majority of the global populous have been consuming bugs on a daily basis. According to Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the steady growth in population will hit 9 billion by 2050 and lead to rise in the demand for feed/food output. Among different insects, e dible insects act as a dynamic solution to provide novel and protein food. Thus, the research firm IndustryARC has evaluated the global insect protein market revenue as $62.55 million in 2018 and estimates the opportunities to increment with a profitable CAGR of 20.96% during the forecast period 2019-2025. Request Sample In 2018, APAC had the maximum insect protein market share at 60%. Toasted crickets are consumed at a higher note by the westerners during their visit to Southeast Asia. In addition to this, Vietnameese startups and entrepreneurs statement "insect protein will be a part of everyday food p...