
Showing posts with the label Wireless receiver

Wireless Charging Market - Forecast(2020 - 2025)

  Wireless Charging Market Overview: According to the findings by Forbes, 50.8% of the global population has access to the Internet which translates to 4 billion Internet users.  This figure largely attributes to the growing mobile phone users across the globe – a number that was already a whopping 7.512 billion according to World Bank in 2016, and the figure has been incessantly increasing since then. Now, these mobile users open up the market for wireless charging that generated a market revenue of nearly $20 billion in 2018, according to this IndustryARC market research report. Furthermore, the analyst predicts the   wireless charging market   to grow at a staggering CAGR of 30% over the course of the forecast period of 2019 to 2025.  Now, China alone has more than 800 million Internet users, 98% of whom are mobile users, according to a survey by Forbes. Considering that China has a major share in mobile phones market, and the production of consumers electron...