
Showing posts with the label Azotobacter

Fertilizers Market - Forecast(2020 - 2025)

Fertilizers Market Overview  The global  fertilizers market  oozed from opportunities worth $61,530 million as of 2018. And, the analyst of the report has projected the market value to increase at a positive CAGR of around 3.67% through the forecast period of 2019 to 2025. Though the growth rate is gradual at a global level, the report highlights profitable progression in Asia Pacific, which already grabbed the largest market share in the global fertilizers market in 2018, generating nearly 53% of the overall demand. According to Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (UNESCAP), agriculture accounts to a quarter of the gross domestic product (GDP) of Asia Pacific’s developing nations such as India, China, and Nepal [1] . That being said, other developed and developing regions are also showing substantial growth potential owing to consistent zest for greater yield.  The horticulture industry is the most lucrative industry for the fertilizers marketplace, ...